Life is all about making the right choices, and more in particular the right investments. 

You often hear that “solar is an investment",
but what does that actually mean? 

The initial purchase of solar panels can seem significant. It's crucial to view it as a long-term investment rather than a mere expense.

After purchasing a solar system, the savings from your electricity bills over time, will cover the cost of your solar system.  You can expect the savings of a standard 6.6kw system, to pay itself off in 4-6 years. You then have a solid 15-20 years of positive cash flow to your household. 

It's a no brainer!

How does solar save me money?

Having a solar system is like having someone work for you. Your panels are out there working every day absorbing the suns energy & converting it into electricity for you to use. Using this energy, you can see energy bills easily reduced from anywhere between 40-70%.

Your savings over time, will cover the cost of the total solar system.

Now That’s an Investment worth getting around!

See results in real time

This is from a monitoring app from one of our clients’ systems for the month of Feb 2023. Their Household consumed more than 50% of its own generated electricity. This is how your bill can be reduced by half.

You can really maximize your savings, by offsetting most of your day time usage. App monitoring means you can keep track of your Solar production & consumption in real time. This will accumulate data which you then will be able to compare results for yourself.

The proof is in the data, and we love to see it!

Start Catchin’ those rays!